The Girls of Summer By Jere Longman – Book Review
“Girls of Summer” is a well written review of the circumstances surrounding the members of the U.S. Women’s National Team as they won the Third FIFA Women’s World Cup in 1999. What followed was to change attitudes about the women’s game around the world. Intensive interviewing of team members and people surrounding them following their World Cup success has produced a comprehensive description of the wild and at times uncontrollable events that followed.
Longman uses the games of the tournament to maintain a central thread throughout the book, and uses his player information and quotes to build around that central theme. His carefully researched work reaffirms not only the “old boy network’ in many sport’s federations but in this case the utter chaos and incompetence that resulted as the U.S. Soccer Federation was caught off balance, and with their trousers round their ankles as the national team players took the United States by storm. For the fans that want to relive the event, for those who would like to know more about what was happening in the background, and for the many that just want to hear more about and from their favorite player this is the book. An additional chapter has been added that covers the recently launched professional women’s professional league, WUSA, in another first for these remarkable girls of summer.